Lily's Story.

It's often said that our eyes deceive us at the best of times. Even if this is the case, it's nice to think we still have use of them - even if it requires a little bit of help from some handy specs or surgery. 

I wish the same thing could be said about my little sister at this point. 

Hi. Hello. I bring some news in the form of a blog post because I don't really know what else to do. I almost cry every time I verbalise it so I figured writing it down was my best bet (dignity and all that - though I hardly have much left at all tbh (who else accidentally trips on their first day at their new job?))

I'll get to the point: through surgical complications over the past week, my little sister had been told she was going to be blind. Long story short, we don't know what's happened, nor do we know what's going to happen. I guess you could say we're all in the dark - quite literally for Lily, who has very little vision left in both of her eyes* (update as of today. Initially she had none at all.)

We can't put a timeframe or measure the extent of recovery at this point. Things look promising one day, but, of course, this is subject to change. 

I speak on behalf of my entire family when I say we are confused, angry, devastated - all the emotions you'd expect us to feel. This week has been quite a ride. Lily has gone from having eighteen years of sight to seeing black overnight and it kills me that I can't be there to hold her hand or hug her or do all the things big sisters are supposed to do when they're needed.

That's why I'm asking for your help and supporting her the only way I can do from 200 or so miles away. 

If there's one thing this blindingly horrid situation has done, is that it's opened my eyes to the amazing work of the Orbis Charitable Trust. Lily is raising money via a GoFundMe page (LINK BELOW) to aid their ground-breaking research, allowing patients to make drastic recoveries. You can read all about it via the link to Lily's page.

I'm asking for your thoughts, prayers and donations (best wishes are free!) at this time and can only hope that creating this post will reach as many of you as possible. Of course, we are also so grateful for all the support the amazing NHS are giving my sister around the clock. I don't think I need to go into that spiel again; we're big (and loyal :/) fans!

And, finally, not forgetting you, Lils Bils. I know you won't be able to see this. Hopefully someone reads it out to you. Just know that you are so loved and endlessly supported, more than you will ever comprehend. You are wise beyond your years and radiate such fire and strength; you're the only person I know who could stand up to this so courageously. Right now, things seem dark and scary and like an empty vacuum of a galactic black hole that just sucks the life out of you. You can barely gather the words to explain why it feels so bad; you just know that it does. But, I promise there are good days coming. Even if there’s less of them than there should be, for whatever reason at the time, the light the good days beam out and the energy that fizzes and explodes as a result of them means that they always outweigh, outshine and outrun the bad. No matter how low things seem at some point and no matter how scary or dark they are, there’s always a good day that’s coming. Things can only go up from here. Smash it the way you always do, the way I know you will. I love you. 

The only way is up now. We'll take every day as it comes and, although we don't know what's going to happen, we know we have each other's support and the amazing work of the hospital Lily is in and Orbis to rely on. Please donate. Please.

PS: I'm sorry if I've been a bit weird these few days (friends/colleagues). Now you know why! xoxo 



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