Not a "Where I've Been" Post, I Swear.

Saturday 28 September 2019

Not a "Where I've Been" Post, I Swear.

Oh. Wow. Hello. It’s been a while.

This is well awkward; a whole lot more awkward than I thought it would be.

For someone who claims she is a passionate writer, and who writes for a living (oh yes, I’ve got a whole lot to update you on!), I’ve been pretty crap at the whole blog thing. But, I really needed a break.

I could spew the same line of shite – not enough time, writer’s block…same ol’, same ol’.


But the truth is I was just kind of bored of it.

It was actually pretty sad at first, if I’m honest. I really treasured my little space online. It’s not fancy or pretty or anything like that; it’s got no real theme or aesthetic. Yet, this little platform is a physical tracking of all my thoughts. It’s a way I can progress my personal change over time, share my thoughts and opinions, that kind of dramatic, emotionally charged drivel, blah blah blah.

But, yeah. For some reason – and I’m still struggling to figure out why – I got really bored of the idea of blogging.

It was like all my energy and efforts had dried up. I just blamed it on the stress of uni (oh yeah, I’ve graduated too…that’s another update too!) and putting all my time and concentration into that. Uni was my priority and that, on top of a part-time job, editing the university newspaper, trying to have a social life, maintaining an exercise routine, trying to get enough sleep at night (you’ve all seen the memes!), blogging just fell to the back of an endlessly growing list.

George Michael's "Freedom" featuring my pathetic hand-eye co-ordination.

My ideas dried up because I was constantly thinking about the same things. I resented the thought of pulling up an empty word doc because that’s all I seemed to do every day regardless; the blank page didn’t seem to hold the same optimistic excitement as it once did. Not when you have three essays, a dissertation, and an entire newspaper to edit.

And I promise I’m not complaining. If you know me personally, you know I’m the gal who thrives off being busy. I need to be on-the-go, with a jam-packed schedule (S T A T I O N A R Y – A D D I C T) and a brain buzzing with a “so much to do, so little time” mentality.

But…I don’t know. For a reason I am yet to entirely understand, I just fell out of love with it all. An English Lit grad-turned-writer who fell out of love with writing. Who’du’thunk it?

Like I said, though, I’m not here to complain. After a bit of space (ok, 12 months’ worth of space!), I’m back with a fresh outlook, a bit more perspective, and a ton of drive. I’m not making any promises or committing to a strict uploading schedule but I’d like to get back into this whole thing.

You’re about to see (well…read?) a whole lot more from me! is back; a bit different, like, but we all love a bit of change, don’t we?

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